Hair loss is a common condition that affects a large number of men and women. While some amount of hair loss is natural and should not be a reason to worry; steps should be taken to cut down on hair loss when it becomes excessive. If not controlled in time, excessive hair fall in men can lead to partial or complete baldness. However, women rarely suffer from baldness. People suffering from baldness become stressed and develop a low self-esteem. They tend to look older than their age and feel nervous when meeting new people, especially those belonging to the opposite sex. According to experts, people should start taking effective measures as soon as they notice that their hair fall is become excessive. In men, the most common cause of this fall is male pattern baldness. This condition can easily be treated with the help of prescription medications such as Propecia finasteride.
According to experts, it is normal to shed 50 to 100 hairs a day because these hairs are easily replaced by new hair from the same follicle located just beneath the skin surface. However, if you notice excessive hair fall while combing or after shampoo, it may be a cause for concern. Some of the other noticeable symptoms of hair loss include:
A general thinning of hair - Your hair may not be as thick as it used to be earlier
A receding hairline - The scalp begins to thin out and it appears as though the top of the head has lost most of the hair
A bald spot - Men may notice a circular area of baldness covering the crown or top-rear of the head.
Progressing baldness - If hair loss is not checked, men may notice complete loss of hair except in the area around the back and sides of the head; typically, this is the most common indicator of male pattern baldness
It may occur because of various reasons. Listed below are some of the chief causes:
Hereditary reasons
Because of a deficiency of essential minerals like iron
Excess stress
Underactive thyroid
Fungal scalp infections
Side effects of some prescription drugs
Male pattern hair loss - Medically known as androgenetic alopecia, male pattern hair loss is the most common type of baldness in men. It mostly affects men in their 40s, however, these days men in their 20s are also getting affected. In this condition, hair is lost in a well-defined pattern. Your hair begins to thin at the temples and at the crown. If not treated in time, male pattern hair loss may progress to partial or complete baldness.
Alopecia areata - People with alopecia areata suffer from coin-sized bald patches on the scalp or beard. In rare cases, sufferers may lose all their body hair also. The condition is believed to be caused by a combination of factors including genetic factors, immune and autoimmune system responses and emotional stress.
Telogen effluvium - In this condition, people suffer from a general thinning of the hair. It occurs when hair follicles shift into the telogen (or resting) phase prematurely. Telogen effluvium can occur because of nutritional status, stress, medication, childbirth, febrile illness and surgical operation. In this condition, hair loss usually remits within 3-6 months after the cause is removed.
When should I look for medical assistance?
According to experts, treatment for should begin as early as possible. If you notice excessive hair loss off late, it is then time to consult your doctor. If your doctor confirms that you suffer from excessive hair loss and diagnoses the cause for the same, you should start taking the treatment immediately. By starting the treatment early, you can prevent yourself from partial or complete baldness.
Know more about causes, symptoms at treatment for baldness at hair loss blog.
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